Sunday, April 12, 2009

telling Me what to do

people use to pray for anything when they want it. example given: oh God please give me 4 flat in my next exam.

and then after they got their result, there are 2 things that will happen: 1. he/she gets 4 flat. 2. he/she doesnt get it.

in the case that this certain individual gets what he/she wants, he/she will feel happy and possibly grateful for a certain time.

the problem arise when this certain individual doesnt get it. he/she will certainly moan and groan and bitch about it and highly likely "talk" to God asking, "why didnt you give me what i prayed for. havent i prayed for it? havent i put the effort for it? i cant believe You did this....." and so on.

it seems that we have forgotten who is the Master. hahaha. it is hard not to laugh at it but who are we to tell God what to do?

if i created two different items for you in front of your eyes and i said, "hmm, this 1st thing is a waste. its useless. take the 2nd one. its a million times better", would you still want to take the lesser creation?

the same thing goes for us. quoting 87:16 from the holy quran from

(87:16) No; but you prefer the present life

*16 Description: That is, "O man, alI your thoughts and endeavors are only for the world, its ease and comforts, its benefits and enjoyments. You regard whatever you gain here as the real gain and whatever you lose here as your real loss"

(87:17) whereas the Hereafter is better and more enduring

*17 Description: That is, the Hereafter/Akhirat is preferable to the world for two reasons: first, that its comforts and pleasures are far superior to aII the blessings of the world; second, that the world is transitory and the Hereafter/Akhirat everlasting.

hahaha. its funny isnt it? God Himself has said that this world is just a waste. but then, for something that is from this world (as in the 4 flat he/she prayed for), we dare to be at odds with God.

there is no word that could describe this. it is the pinnacle of stupidity and idiocy and foolishness.

ang guess what, God have also saved the best verse for us about this. quoting 2:18 from the holy quran from

(2:18) They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind so they will not return (to the right way).

*18. They have become deaf to hear, dumb to utter and blind to perceive the truth.

They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind
They are deaf; they are dumb; they are blind